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About Daye

Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master & Energy Healer

Welcome to my world of yoga, energy healing, health & wellness.


My lifelong interest in esoteric studies, spirituality, shamanism and energy healing began very young.  I discovered yoga in my early twenties, but it wasn't until 2012, that I began teaching full time.  In 2018, I was diagnosed with aggressive Breast Cancer which changed the course of my life and brought me to a deeper understanding of my life's purpose as well as intensive research on how to heal myself through yoga, meditation & pranayama,  change of diet, energy healing and forgiveness.


Yoga is an opportunity to incorporate my knowledge and healing modalities into my classes, workshops and practice. Sharing my life long experiences and teachings in reiki, energy healing, essential oils, the Bach flower remedies and native teachings provides me with a greater sense of purpose and the opportunity to draw from those studies in my everyday life.


Whether leading group or private classes, creating new workshops or facilitating retreats, my truest passion comes from inspiring others on the path of self-discovery, personal growth and transformation.



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